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I Ain’t Got Time for That: Only Strong Women Do Not Waste Time on These 5 Things

3. Negative people 

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Not everyone can be happy all the time, and that’s okay. However, some people are unhappy and want to make others miserable too. Such people do not have a place in the life of a strong woman. The reason is: that if they fail, they won’t ever blame others for their failure. They will instead work on becoming better.

2. Fear of failure 

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Sometimes we all fear failing. However, a strong woman will not let this fear run her life. She will not give in to fear but instead, take the risk. She will rise from the ashes like a phoenix towards her goals.

1. Holding a grudge 

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A strong woman knows that holding a grudge just drains her energy. She does everything with reason, and she will not hate you once you hurt her. She will simply keep you on thin ice. She has no time for hate; she is too focused on the good things.

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Do Not Turn the Other Cheek: Do Not to Forget Who You Are and What More You Could Be

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Petition to Remove Amber Heard from ‘Aquaman 2’ Now Aims for 6 Million