
5 Most Manipulative Zodiacs Ever

Gemini (May 21st ~ June 20th)

Man in Red Dress Shirt Near Wall

The Gemini is highly indecisive. When he makes the wrong decision, he will find a way to make it your fault.

The party is his gateway to fun. He will take you home but will regret it the following day.

Pisces (February 19th ~ March 20th) 

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The Pisces is selfless and always there for you – it seems too good to be true. But, unfortunately, it is – his wish to help someone is for selfish reasons.

If he takes you out every night, he does it to make himself feel better.

He enjoys playing the victim. 

Leo (July 23rd ~ August 22nd) 

Man in Green Dress Shirt Sitting on White Wooden Bench

Leo is passionate and likes being in charge. He will fight you until you agree he is right, even when he is not. The only thing that deserves respect is his honesty. There is no hidden agenda.

He stands behind his words and deeds, which can sometimes be too harsh.

Every solution has a problem, and he just gets away with it.

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5 Greatest Reasons for Which It Is Good to Have a Scorpio in Your Life

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4 Men Born in These Zodiacs Are Not Relationship Material