
Horoscope Reveals What Kind of Women Men Like: Aries Skinny, Capricorn Elderly and This Sign Loves Dominant


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At times, it may seem more feminine than you, but never admit it to him if you want him to be happy. You need to admire him, his style, clothing combination and beauty. His collection of perfumes will definitely overshadow yours. Accept that right at the start. A Libra man is looking for a well-mannered, graceful, feminine partner with manners.

It is more important for him to have style than to cook. He is not attracted to girls who look “cheap”, but to those who have moderation in everything. Everything must be in place with his girlfriend, it is more important to him that you have a harmonious body structure than that he sees big breasts or buttocks on you.


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To satisfy Scorpio, you need to be endlessly imaginative, ready for adventures, forgiveness, and always interested in his favorite recreation – se*. He needs a woman who will be able to satisfy all his appetites. He is very jealous and possessive, but he does not have to show it openly, so you must learn to balance in various situations. He does not forgive. He likes fiery, passionate girls and who radiate unique energy. To him, your charisma and sepia are more important than your physical appearance.


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He needs a partner who will have enough tolerance and understanding at all times and next to whom he will always have his freedom. Forget jealousy. Never try to control him or his decisions because he will not allow you to do that, and that is the easiest way to keep him away from you.

In essence, for him, the ideal partner is the one who can be by his side when he needs it, but he will not mind that he lives his life the way he wants. They are attracted to tall, long-legged girls with curly blonde or lighter hair…


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He needs an infinitely patient partner. If you plan anything “quickly”, you can get away with it, no matter what. He finds it difficult and slow to decide on a relationship, let alone marriage. If he still breaks down and decides to marry you, you will have to fit into his already well-prepared life plan. You will definitely have to like his family as well.

The most important thing for him is to support his ambitions and understand even when his job is a priority. If you don’t mind that your man rarely shows emotions and affection, Capricorn is the ideal husband for you. They are attracted to thinner girls, often a little older, with darker hair or eyes. It will be easy to notice those girls with slightly rougher facial features, such as a big nose and the like.


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He must first appreciate you as his male friend to appreciate you as a woman. If he only sees you as a girl, you will quickly lose him. He will marry the one who will be his friend in the first place but also skilled enough to adapt to his adventurous lifestyle. He needs a woman who will respect his ideals and agree with his beliefs.

Accept that he will always help others more than himself. He needs a woman with expansive views of the world, someone unusual, and not just someone who will tidy up his house and iron his clothes – like the male Virgo, for example. Aquarius does not have a specific type of girl. He is attracted by your smile and charisma.


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He needs an artistic soul who will understand him and with whom he will always imagine and share his ideas until dawn. If you try to land him or bring him back to reality, you will not be attractive to him. He does not like pessimists and cold people. He needs a woman who will believe in him even when no one else believes and who will encourage him to cultivate his artistic ambitions.

He needs a complete person who will give him stability and freedom to permanently leave. If he had everything next to you – he would come back every time. He is also looking for a woman who will be a good mother to his children, that is very important to him. Pisces men like unusual girls, who always have something specific on them, with a unique style of dress and an original way of thinking. Your soul is more important to him than your body.


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