
5 Life Principles That Characterize Each Horoscope Sign


enA 21

1. Happiness is more significant if it is shared.
2. Diplomacy is the path to true victory.
3. Sticking to principles is often stupid.
4. Keep friends close and enemies even closer.
5. Love needs to be proven.


enA 24

1. If you are not driven by passion in life, you are doing something wrong.
2. The wolf changes his coat, but his temper never.
3. Everything worthwhile should be earned.
4. You don’t know a man until you eat a kilo of salt with him.
5. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.


enA 27

1. It is better to weep with a wise man than to sing with a fool.
2. The more friends you have, the more you are worth.
3. You don’t learn from other people’s mistakes but from your own mistakes.
4. Words are nothing without deeds.
5. Nothing is complicated if you love.


enA 40

1. A weak one does not believe or has lost faith in himself.
2. Time is money.
3. It is easy to be a general after a battle.
4. Rules exist for a reason.
5. A man who does not keep his word is worth nothing.


enA 89

1. If I do not seek it, it is not advice but sermons.
2. The most fantastic beauty is to live the way you want.
3. Everyone was born alone.
4. Love is lovely but also the most common weakness of people.
5. If you want an enemy, lend money to a friend.


enA 101

1. Why force something today if you can do it tomorrow.
2. Promises are empty words.
3. The most essential thing in life is music, laughter, and tears.
4. True love loves because of other people’s flaws, not virtues.
5. It is difficult to understand others if you do not understand yourself.

zena dec 2 77

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