
What Bothers Every Sign: Sagittarius Does Doubt in His Mind, Aquarius in Originality


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You are shaken when you feel condemned. Therefore, try to keep a strategic distance from such situations that you try not to get into. If you do not try to start your life, it will stagnate and become exhausting.

Who cares that someone condemns you in an unimportant situation?

Ultimately, what matters is your self-image. So try to take a step, no matter how small a step it may be, you will be amazed at what you can achieve.


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The path to depth, covered where no one can see you, is your weakness regarding your ability to love and be loved. You have a severe and practical intimacy and no one can doubt that you have a helpless side in you.

It’s okay to show her; it will only make you even more charming towards others.


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Occasionally you become insecure about your education. For example, you know you’re witty – you really appreciate a reasonable discussion – yet you sometimes feel like specific topics don’t affect you.

You may not know everything about mathematics, the natural sciences, and primary social hypotheses. Still, your openness to discovering the world is superior to formal education.

Suppose you are wise enough to defend your position in any debate.


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Occasionally you feel overwhelmed by not achieving enough, which is unexpected because no one is as professional and dedicated as you can be. So stick to alien models who are not from this world and what is fantastic, you succeed with them.

It’s okay to slip in some cases, as you can endure a significant amount of mistakes and learn important lessons from them, and occasionally those mixes encourage unusual discoveries.


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Appreciate being such a unique person and individual, yet you occasionally feel insecure because perhaps, when all is said and done, you are not unusual. You are essentially the same as any other person.

Be calm. No matter what you do, you are unique.


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You spend so much energy thinking about what other people think of you and about breaking down every social relationship you have created. Because of that, you become nervous.

You don’t have to win a competition out of popularity – the only thinking that matters is yours and those around you. Channel all your stress caused by other people’s assumptions into something creative.


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