
The Ancient Egyptians Were the Only One to Have a Horoscope That Exactly Reveals All the Secrets Of Your Personalities

Sphinx (December 27 to January 25)

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She is the guardian of spiritual and material treasures. It can change its shape depending on the situation, so people born under its rule are persistent adaptable, with long-term plans and goals. You will recognize them in historians, scientists, philosophers, private entrepreneurs. Their plant is coriander, lily flower, almond tree, animals lion and eagle, and precious stone quartz.

Shu (January 26 to February 24)

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A very powerful god of wind and air. He is represented with a crown or feather on his head. People born under his rule do not seem to belong to this world. They are unconventional, not subject to environmental pressures and opinions. Their ideas are ahead of the times in which they live. You will recognize them in inventors, doctors, writers, programmers. Their plant is lemon balm, iris flower, birch tree, swallow animal, and gemstone moonstone.

Isis (February 25 to March 26)

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Goddess of the Moon, nature and magic, and at the same time the personification of the Earth’s power. People born under her rule are idealists, dreamers, adorned with strong intuition and changeable nature. They manage to penetrate what is hidden from most other people and see the real reality. That is why they are often sad and lonely. You will recognize them in nurses, doctors, artists, catering workers, therapists. Their plant is snake grass, world rose, plane tree, animal cat, and gemstone ultramarine.

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