
The Ancient Egyptians Were the Only One to Have a Horoscope That Exactly Reveals All the Secrets Of Your Personalities

Wadget (October 28 to November 26)

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Protector of the land, mothers and kings. Her symbol is a snake or a woman with two snakeheads. People born under her rule are restrained, cautious, mysterious. In friendships, they demand complete loyalty, so they do not have many friends, while others seem arrogant and inaccessible. You will recognize them in doctors, surgeons, police officers. Their plant is mustard, hyacinth flower, ash tree, animal snake, and amethyst gemstone.

Sekhmet (November 27 to December 26)

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Goddess of war, fire, plague. People born under her rule constantly crave action, superficial emotions, ghosts, and careless. They are good friends until they want something of yours. Then they can tread over the dead. You will recognize them in journalists, hunters, researchers. Their plant is black pepper, holy poppy, sandalwood tree, lioness, and gemstone tiger’s eye.

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