
5 Signs He Is Emotionally Unavailable

3. SHORT ANSWERS ONLY man in black suit standing on sidewalk during daytime

An emotionally unavailable man can seem like he is untouchable and mysterious. Still, actually, he is just hiding his true nature.

To keep their distance, he never talks about himself.

2. NO PERSONAL INFOman in brown crew neck shirt

He keeps his distance and never tries to know more about the person he sees.

1. NOT MY FAULTman wearing blue notched lapel suit jacket and white crew-neck shirt standing behind white painted surface at daytime

If you call him on his behavior, he will quickly blame someone else. For example, he may accuse you of being childish, even though he knows it is his entire fault.

Emotionally unavailable men can never come to terms with the fact that he is the way he is.

sun rays of woman's face

5 Types of Women That Men Cannot Stand

man smiling while taking photo

5 Signs He Is Totally in Love with Himself