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You Are My Wife, Not My Servant: My Husband Made Me Realize Something

Photo by Ben White

We weren’t that young when we got married: he was 42, and I was 36.

We were both self-conscious and already knew what we wanted from life.

In the beginning, I was kind of excited, and then I was too caught up in the new status and got around to making a home out of place. I gave myself too much to it…

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I gave up an aerobic and English course to stay at home, bake muffins, vacuum, and scrub the toilet… I just blended into the housewife life. 

To become the best lover and wife, I lost pounds and my nerves and became a victim of circumstance.

I remember that day clearly – it was a Saturday in November, and it started to rain. Everything was gray, and I had to turn on the light. 

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He sat in the dining room, drank milk, and looked at me with fury. I was chopping some beef and cheese, and he said he didn’t want a sandwich three times.

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