
These 3 Signs Are Known as The Mean Girls of The Zodiac


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No one feels sorry for themselves more than the Scorpio, who likes to drag others down with themselves. If the world’s end happens tomorrow, they would probably have one last orgy to celebrate it. Instead, they get turned on by death and blood. Scorpio is known as jealous and crazy obsessive. $ex is what keeps them sane.

Scorpio is an emotionally immature, uncultured swine, vengeful and spoiled brat. 

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They get angry; they bite, cry and hate you with their guts. But, no matter their age, they always stay the same immature brats.

Oh, and how they hold a grudge. You will completely forget something, but they will get back at you quickly.

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3 Most Jealous and Most Complicated Horoscope Signs

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They Are Known as The Smartest Horoscope Signs