When a selfish person seduces others, they get a shower of compliments. This makes them bloom and brings them to 7th heaven. Their ego is over the roof. A person can become addicted to this kind of rush.
Once the curtains close, the selfish person is left alone – no more compliments, no more love, and no more admiration. Instead, the person will start falling into a state of apathy.
Selfishness is the poison for the soul because it prevents the person from evolving. Selfishness cannot make you grow, not spiritually or personally. Freedom means letting your ego go.
Ego is childish, and we should shed it once we grow up. Ego is made up of cultural and family values. We cannot destroy it, but we can rise above it. We will do that if we see that we are more than our ego.
A selfish person is self-centered and cannot see beside it- as long as a person is ego, it cannot accept itself and cannot be freed from it.
Once a person accepts everything they are, the person finds peace and true self-love. Once people realize they are more than their ego, what others think is no longer critical. Perfection becomes overrated because imperfection is okay.
The norm of the ego is: YOU ARE WORTH AS MUCH AS OTHERS THINK YOU ARE. Once we become aware this is wrong, we are free from it. Ego is a children’s game. The program says we should be what others want us to be. This is a scam because no one knows you better than you.
How can we rise above it? By looking inside and looking for answers – we shed away the illusion of what we think we are. Freeing ourselves from the ego introduces us to true self-love and inner peace.