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The Ethical Code of Native Americans: 20 Secrets to A Happy Life

6. Be respectful

Respect everything on earth – people as well as animals and plants. 

7. Words are sacred 

Respect others’ opinions, desires, and words. Never interrupt others when they are speaking. Do not hold grudges or make fun of someone’s desires and dreams. Let everyone speak their mind.

Side View Photo Of Man

8. What goes around comes around

Never speak ill of others. The negative energy you put out will come back to you and be even more damaging.  

9. Find forgiveness in your heart 

Everyone makes mistakes, but no mistake cannot be forgiven.

10. Stay positive 

Negative thoughts make your mind, body, and spirit sick. Practice seeing the good side in everything.

ena maj 7 13

Why You Need to Stop Fighting for People Who Don’t Care About You

ena maj 6 2

Do Not Turn the Other Cheek: Do Not to Forget Who You Are and What More You Could Be