
The Ancient Egyptians Were the Only One to Have a Horoscope That Exactly Reveals All the Secrets Of Your Personalities

Anubis (July 25-August 28)

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The jackal god is the most important god of the dead and the afterlife, the protector of mummies and the deceased. Persons born under his rule are adorned with responsibility, independence and ability. These are wise people, whose intelligence and compassion entice everyone who needs help. You will recognize them in lawyers, workers in humanitarian organizations, social workers. Their plant is heather, digitalis flower, yew tree, animal jackal, and gemstone obsidian.

Tot (August 29-September 27)

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God of the Moon, wisdom and teachings. There is no unsolvable problem for people born under his rule. However, their thoroughness and thoughtfulness often replace haste in stressful situations. You will recognize them in economists, bookkeepers, teachers. Their plant is thyme, marigold flower, quince tree, ibis animal, and precious stone carnelian.

Horus (September 28 to October 27)

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Horus is the god of war, heaven, royal authority and protector of children. His symbol is a man with a falcon’s head. People born under his rule are adorned with courage and ambition. Their social status is essential. You will recognize them in politicians, occupations in which uniforms are worn, athletes. Their plant is rosemary, carnation flower, acacia tree, animal falcon, and gemstone citrine.

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