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Strong And Independent but Unhappy Woman: Here’s Why

What is happening, and how can women be unhappy in the age of so many opportunities? 

The inflicted ideal of happiness has become a burden making it hard to have an everyday life. For those who haven’t been able to achieve it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Never before has happiness been so unachievable.

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These days women want to achieve almost impossible goals – those set by others. 

The economy and the media create pressure. A perfect woman has to be full of confidence, sexy, surrounded by successful people, skinny and beautiful. Although they know this is unreachable, they still try, and the inability to reach it harms their mental health.

According to society, you can only be happy if you look like a movie star, your parents are wealthy and successful, and other unreal expectations.

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This creates generations of women who live with entirely unrealistic expectations. 

We live thinking that money solves all problems and is the only source of joy.

The research was done at Harvard, which lasted for 72 years, totally overrules this different opinion. Happiness doesn’t depend on money or worldly things, and old people know the secret to happiness.

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Being close to your partner and family is much more important for happiness than being rich. In addition, having faith in yourself and moving forward to your goal gives you satisfaction.

Still, the strategy we use to deal with problems will help us the most in life. The happiest and healthiest people are those who are always positive. On the other hand, those who avoid facing their issues tend to be sad and depressed.

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Unlike our ancestors, these days, we easily forget to be grateful for the things we have and what we achieved. Instead, we focus on the things we don’t have, and our energy is used to get them. We live in a selfish, material society, and we cannot see the big picture.

Only those who see the truth and who use this wisdom have the opportunity to change something. They do not lose their head over what they cannot have but focus on what they got.

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