
Love Or Something Else: There Is Always That One Person You Will Never Forget

This love is long gone, but the things it though you are still there. Thanks to it, you learned how magical and wonderful you are. You learned how to love and be loved.

The loss of this love is not to be seen as tragic. Instead, look at it as a new beginning.

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This ending opened up new doors for you. Let go of the bitterness and never lose faith in love.

The love was short but life-changing. Something that most people never experience in life.

Life is beautiful only if you make it attractive. So never give up love, no matter how much it hurts.

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You need to let this love go if you want to love again. Open up your heart to new love.

When you let them go, it doesn’t mean you will forget them. On the contrary, the feeling will remain in your heart.

Once you find new love, you won’t let it go.

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