
How He Drains Your Energy: This Is How Every Sign of The Zodiac Should Regenerate It’s Aura

In essence, all the painful situations and moments of life crisis always lead you to healing. Their function is not to stay stuck in them, because if that happens, it means that you did not do something well and that you went against yourself. Still, you can certainly change that with will, patience and effort.

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There are many techniques based on physical exercises, special types of breathing, colors, smells, and a lot of mental exercises to release accumulated memories in the aura, according to everyone’s natal chart and spiritual lessons, which depend on Saturn’s natal setting. It is true that you need to constantly take care of your energy, because it is all that you are.

And what can each sign, even today, do to start regenerating its energy field?

Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

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It is recommended to spend the excess accumulated energy on sports (boxing or anything dynamic) and spend more time with the elderly who are calm and composed.

Also, directing energy into art and introducing regular scalp, back and leg massages is very beneficial for them. Excess mental energy should be directed to learning, traveling, writing memoirs, participating in debates.

Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

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It is recommended to start the blocked flow of energy by staying in nature as much as possible, and to replace healthy and caloric food by learning to prepare healthy food and nutritious meals. Detox diet is definitely recommended! Excess mental energy should be spent on reorganizing the space and cleaning the bathroom. Blocked energy is good to focus on activities with the family or on repairs in the apartment. You need to spend more time with children, get a pet and do breathing exercises.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

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It is recommended to channel the accumulated mental energy by writing a diary or recording a blog. It is essential to pay special attention to what you read, listen, and say. In addition, it is good to visit the theater regularly for the sake of emotional catharsis and the release of buried memories.

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