
How He Drains Your Energy: This Is How Every Sign of The Zodiac Should Regenerate It’s Aura

You know that situation where you don’t like someone right away? The person hasn’t even spoken yet, but it doesn’t “smell” to you at first glance. In fact, your energy fields bounce off, and you interpret that as mutual non-sympathy. You may know this person from previous reincarnations or he looks like someone you loved very much and the love was not returned to you. But it is this person who helps you heal something, because it initiates a transformation in you!

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Imagine this situation now. You are furious. Someone hurt and annoyed you. Your stomach starts to ache and acid occurs. But you insist you are right and refuse to forget that event. The organs then absorb these destructive emotions, which you refuse to let go of. If you deprive the body of fresh energy or its natural circulation in the long run, it is by no means healthy. So the emotion of anger (and any other) only makes sense for the moment it is felt.

How do you know that there is an energy blockage in the aura and why is it dangerous? When energy is blocked, the aura is like a sprinkler or star (instead of egg-shaped) with very long arms. Its shape symbolizes that you crucify yourself too much in some situations and spend a lot of energy (long arms). In some situations, you are cramped and squeezed, and you do not let the energy flow freely.

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With such an impenetrable energy fence, even positive things can’t get to you. It all goes together with the attitude that you are not good enough and even disbelief that you deserve something beautiful. When it finally happens, you cannot recognize and receive it.

This barrier blocks the flow of energy which is further manifested through poor health, financial problems, painful interpersonal relationships, lack of motivation, inability to receive and give love and ambiguity about life purpose, especially if the flow of energy is still burdened by karmic shackles with others or some space.

Illness is therefore always a way to draw attention to something that has been lurking in the subconscious for a long time. And before any disease or other problems appear, the signs of the aura can be seen in advance. They are like dots, dashes, fog, dull color, and they can be influenced by different energy techniques. These are all reasons to take care of the aura.

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But you don’t have to wait for your aura to cement to clear it. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple practical tips whose introduction into your daily routine can lead to significant changes in yourself, and consequently in what is around you. To strengthen your aura, you do not have to understand everything, know exactly what the problem is, or go through some painful experience again. However, the energy of a traumatic situation needs to be released.

As the aura naturally clears, so at the same time the thought part is freed from beliefs that are unhealthy and restraining, that is, blocking you. You also get rid of the fear that served as a background for you, so the regenerated aura helps to develop clear boundaries and integrity.

Cleansing the aura will thus encourage the body to just set out on the path of regeneration, initiating vital processes in the body and developing the feeling that you are powerful and can solve everything you face on your own.

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It is necessary to get rid of the accumulated old energy for a healthy aura. However, cleansing the energy field and chakras can trigger an emotional avalanche that has been dormant and act very tumultuous for some. But after the bora always comes peace. Therefore, this process should be carried out responsibly and not done on your own. After cleansing the aura, it is necessary to accumulate new energy, and then direct it to something meaningful that fills your heart and makes your soul happy.

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