
Horoscope Reveals Why He Will Break Up and Leave You

Libra – aggression

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Libra tends to avoid conflict, and if they are in a relationship with someone who is constantly looking for him, they will very quickly seek salvation in the embrace of someone calmer.

Scorpio – unreliability

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If you promise Scorpio that you will do something, and then you don’t do it, you will lose his trust. Then, after a couple of unfulfilled promises, you will lose him too.

Sagittarius – insecurity

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Sagittarians are highly self-confident, and if they have someone next to them who lacks self-confidence, they will very quickly lose interest and find someone similar to themselves.

Capricorn – pretending

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Foiling goes very badly with most characters, but if someone can’t stand it for a second, it’s Capricorn.

Aquarius – lack of tolerance

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Aquarius is very open-minded and their life motto is “live and let others live”. However, if you start to restrain and condemn him, be sure that the days of your relationship are numbered.

Pisces – malice

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Nobody likes evil people, but Pisces will “swim away” at the first sign of such behavior ” in the other direction.

Muskarac Novembar 2020 72

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