
HAPPILY EVER AFTER? Hmmm, not really: Here’s why every sign loses faith in true love


enA 113

Disturb my peace and I’m crossing you out! 

Balance and peace are a must for Libra. They maintain it in every aspect of their lives. If you disturb the peace, you’re dead to them.

Venus / Aphrodite are the ruler of this sign. She will make sure that the relationship works, but you will know it as soon as she gives up. 


enA 112

Secrets will be the end of us!

Just tell it how it really is, no matter the consequences. They will be very understanding. If he doubts you are playing them , you’re in serious trouble. 

Honesty is the best policy (if you want a true love story). If you try to play some tricks on the Scorpio, they will act like you’re a stranger. 


enA 110

Don’t rain on my parade if you want to keep me by your side!

Zeus and Jupiter rule this sign. They will believe they are in love until something better comes along. As long as you are a ray of sunshine, their love is there. They’ve got high hopes for a living and need your full support. If you are down in the dumps, do not let them know about it.


enA 109

Don’t ever give up on us!

The God of time – Saturn / Cronus, runs this sign which gives them eternal hope. Optimism is the most important. As their significant other, you should be full of joy and always try your best. Even if you are in trouble, don’t lose hope. If you become a pessimist – you will be single. As long as you have high spirits, the Capricorn will cherish you.


enA 108

Being the same as everyone else turns them off! 

People born in this sign are big fans of unusual things. If you stand out in the crowd, they will simply adore you. Don’t be afraid to accentuate your perkiness or what makes you different. Nurture it and be proud of it. If you blend into the crowd, be ready for a break–up. As long as you are unique, you’re safe.


enA 107

Shatter my dreams and we’re done! 

As long as you support their daydreaming, you’re his love. Their dreams are the core of their existence. Your support is what keeps the flame alive. Their daydreaming may make it seem like they’re not interested. They need their partner to keep them on the ground but don’t force it. Being there for them will secure your relationship status.

Muskarac Novembar 2020 37

THE NOTORIOUS “IT’S NOT YOU, IT’S ME “: This makes horoscope signs say bye-bye

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THE VOICES IN MY HEAD ARE TELLING ME: Horoscope for all those who appear to be a bit out of their minds