
Am I In Love Or Just Bored: There Is Truth To That Saying That Love Makes Us Blind?

On the other hand, when we have a crush, our brain turns 360 degrees and sees through pink glasses – we only see the good but ignore the wrong things.


People who idealize their partner may stay happier even when the illusion is gone than those who do not.

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Neurobiologists Samir Zeki and Andreas Bartels of the University of London have proved that we idealize others because we lack emotional maturity. 

In their research, scientists observed the blood flow the moment their subjects looked at the photo of their crush. The results showed that at that moment, the part of the brain responsible for friendly feelings activated at the speed of light and sent us into a frenzy.

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This frenzy and the happiness that comes with it make partners the ones without flaws. But unfortunately, we cannot be objective and see the person they are.

Love has the same effect on our brain as drugs do. We may think we hit the jackpot.

This crazy thing called love makes us see beyond our universe, ad do we use it to escape the harsh reality? 

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The real world can sometimes be too much to handle, and we need to escape from it. But unfortunately, this fact is used by religion, hope, love, and other “drugs “to gain power. The truth can be painful; only the strongest people can take it.

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