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AITA For My Response After My Brother in Law Told Me I’m 35 And Still Don’t Know What I Want?

Photo by Molnár Bálint

Last night. we all got together for dinner and BIL brought up my personal life by asking a stream of questions about my plans. I tried to ignore him but he said that I’m 35, single, childless, and don’t even date at the moment. I looked at him in shock as he went on to say that I “clearly” am confused and still don’t know what I want in life. The family looked at me and it made me pissed.

woman looking upward

In response I told him that “yes, I clearly don’t know what I want but I do know what you want, what you really really want and that is child level responsibility, and king level authority in your family”. Then told him I’d rather spend the rest of my days single then be stuck with someone like him. He gone completely silent and what I said was enough for him to abandon dinner table.

woman stand in front of glass mirror

My sister stayed quiet and dinner turned awkward. I left later then mom and sister called me saying it wasn’t right that I insulted my BIL like that and when I explained what he said to me they told me he was just trying to encourage me to have “normal” life like the rest of them. They said it was rude and hurtful what I said and I have to apologize to him in person. I might have gone over the top but I refused to apologize at least til I see if I’m wrong with my response.


man staring at woman near gray concrete wall

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