
5 Zodiacs Who Get Angry in A Second and Then Reveal the Real Face

Scorpio pexels photo 262038

Scorpio is confident and always correct. They hold grudges and won’t let go. On the other hand, the Scorpio is passive-aggressive and can get snarky.

Calm and peaceful by nature, once you annoy them, they get mean.

Sagittarius pexels photo 1065098

Sagittarius usually doesn’t hold a grudge, but once they get mad, be ready for the silent treatment. They blow smoke when angry – after all, they are a Fire sign.

The Sagittarius is the meanest when mad, and the words truly hurt. But, once they blow off some steam, they will prepare the most heart-melting apology.


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Even though the Capricorn is very calm and collected, their anger gets the worst.

Anger can overflow them, and then they insult the person closest to them. They are very condescending and always blame others.

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