
100% Accurate: Discover Your Karmic Direction by Date of Birth

15.) 12.8. – 22.8.

ENA MAJ 2020 17

You definitely know what humanity is and you have always been ready to help others regardless of their differences. You are a great humanist of built principles. However, now comes the time when you need to set aside some of your good intentions for yourself and allow yourself to be praised for your deeds. In this life you need to learn how to stand up for yourself and your position in society, just as you used to be so committed to others. Stages, social gatherings, and even humanitarian activities, entertainment and the like, are all places where you can shine. The more discreet you used to be, the more you need the opposite now – adorn yourself and go out in front of an audience. She is waiting for you.

16.) 23.8. – 1.9.

ENA MAJ 2020 19

It would be too simple to say that you spent your past life in the style of a vagabond. You will already find some excuse for that because your ability to deceive yourself and others around you is great. Laziness, wandering, fantasizing, intoxicating enjoyment, chaos, you have experienced it all beyond measure. Now is the time to bring order to your life, down to the smallest detail. Healthy life habits, the orderly rhythm of life, the possibility of practicing medicine or similar, all this could contribute to getting rid of your old habits and start on the path of developing your own personality. And he is in the crystallization of your ideas and precise and orderly living and acting, like a clock.


17.) 2.9. – 11.9.

ENA MAJ 2020 20


Maybe you were an artist or a bohemian, and perhaps you were addicted to illusions and delusions. But now such a story is over and it is up to you to finally start working concretely. As much as you used to live from rent, imagination, inheritance or just not working, now you need to turn it around immediately, roll up your sleeves and just get to work. Every activity, even the seemingly insignificant one, is welcome for you. If you don’t have a job by chance yet, embark on a hobby with concrete and tangible results. They will be good to start with, no matter how small they are. Knowing that the path is open to you and developing through work if you work. Because you neglected your work skills in a past life.

18.) 12.9. – 22.9.

ENA MAJ 2020 23

In a past life, you have been to the most remote places where a man can reach with his soul – you may have revealed the deepest secrets. Still, they are not accessible to everyone and in some way hidden. Now is the time to bring it all out through some exciting and concrete work, that is, through work. But not any, but one that meets your refined criteria. Some of you have been very far away, on another continent and are now returning from there with insights that are only available to some. That is why you need to make them available to others in a prudent way. You are engaged in specific and nuanced activities and you will already be on your own.

19.) 23.9. – 2.10.

ENA MAJ 2020 26

You spent your past life in a very dynamic environment where you functioned as a significant event initiator, warrior, fighter or adventurer. Because of all that, even now, you occasionally need to play the card of sports or independent activities, but that only draws you into the inertia of already established and already seen motives. You know how to fight for your self, but now is the time to cultivate a little and learn to live with others. For you, coexistence with a person, recognizing a soul mate, and developing the skills of diplomacy to get used to and prepare yourself for a non-single life are of particular importance. Respecting the opinions of others and creating a sense of proportion for you is also an important lesson.

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