
100% Accurate: Discover Your Karmic Direction by Date of Birth

7.) 21.5. – 31.5.

ENA MAJ 2020 14

The ease of sublime thoughts, the depth of their reflections, as well as the ability to travel freely across all seas and borders have all been present in your past life. You were a kind of philosophical traveler, researcher, a freelancer who lived on his own, but also let others live as well. Now you are a bit confused because sometimes you feel like you have fallen from Mars to Earth and every day you have to adapt to the network of people through which you are forced to move. Communication is a lesson you learn, and the ability to cope with everyday situations. So many things seem average to you, but in this life you need to get down to earth and wake up, turn more towards the people around you and connect with them.

8.) 1.6. – 10.6.

ENA MAJ 2020 15

You have learned profound truths and now you need to bring them into the circumstances of everyday life. Welcome home after many wanderings in a past life. You are like a little wild kid who needs to be tamed and civilized somehow. The urban environment is the biggest challenge for you because you have most likely spent your past life somewhere in nature. You can easily handle all things related to nature, but you need to cultivate as much as possible. Superficial conversations are a puzzle you are just learning, and the same goes for social rules of behavior or games. Still, when it comes to deep topics, you are a master. The more contacts and communications, the better for you because you develop everything you need in this life to go further.

9.) 11.6. – 20.6.

ENA MAJ 2020 7

You have sailed the world at least ten times in your past life and you know every continent. You haven’t revealed any secrets for you, so now you can give others answers to most of their questions. It is possible that you were also a sage who experienced enlightenment. Whatever version of the two you are, now, in this life, you just need to refer other people because you know more than them. All peg activities would be great for you because you need to pass on your vast knowledge to others. You can also do research or discover something new to put your expertise in the service of others and open another door of perception to them.

10.) 21.6. – 1.7.

ENA MAJ 2020 8

You come from an environment where you had to be more organized, careful and intelligent. You were a person who held the strings firmly in his hands, controlled everything and everyone and led the main word. Because of all that, that’s why even now you sometimes catch yourself having to have everything in the palm of your hand or under control, but it doesn’t make you happy, it leads to rigid patterns. So your development in this life lies in abandoning the practice of governance at all costs. Letting go of the rut of life allows yourself to wander a bit and discover the beauty of family and intimate life without being burdened by your own authority and ambition. Learn to enjoy and stop controlling.

11.) 2.7. – 11.7.

ENA MAJ 2020 10

You were probably a person in a high position who demanded exceptional responsibility from you. Your career has been successful and stable, but it has neglected your family and enjoyment of life in general. You will now get a chance to develop and make up for it all, but you still feel the burden of seriousness and responsibility on your back. You find it hard to relax and you need a lot to open up and leave it to others. You need to learn to loosen up and build confidence in those little joys that life means. It is not always necessary to have a clearly defined plan, because too strong attachment takes away spontaneity from life. Be at home whenever you can.

12.) 12.7. – 21.7.

ENA MAJ 2020 11

Behind you are enviable achievements from a past life, which may have influenced more people. You were a very respectable person whose life is an example of a successful career. Now you’ve kept the old habit of still having to do something significant so dealing with seemingly ordinary things seems like a bitter waste of time. But on the contrary, just those daily, family things, the connection with your loved ones, that’s precisely the path you need to go. You ended your career before and more than well, and now is the time to develop other spheres of life. First of all, these are those related to foster care, nest building, starting a family and caring for her.

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